Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 – Dualshock 4 Button mod

Are you playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on PC with a Dualshock 4 but always messing up controls since the game only shows xbox button prompts? Me too!

Follow the below instructions to replace some game image assets to change this:



  1. Download and extract quickbms from
  2. Download and extract image assets & script from HERE
  3. Run reimport_4gb_files.bat from quickbms
    1. Select from castlevania-2-dualshock-mod folder
    2. Select Data00.packed from Castlevania – Lords of Shadow 2 game root folder
    3. Select edited folder from castlevania-2-dualshock-mod folder
  4. The script will run and replace 3 image assests. Happy gaming.
This is how the script window should look like after following above steps